About Us
New Milton Foot Clinic has been established for over 25 years and we have just moved to its new location since January 2018 that have been completely refurbished in Parkland Place (opposite the Recreation Ground).
With many repeat customers, we pride ourselves in providing the highest standard of care for all members of the family. Whether you would simply like someone else to cut and treat your nails, or you have major foot pains, whatever the problem we are here to help.

Podiatry is a field of healthcare devoted to the study and treatment of disorders of the foot, ankle and often knee, leg and hip. Podiatrists receive core medical training by studying anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, general medicine and microbiology along with specialised training in the examination, diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting the feet.
Their specialist skills are used to treat minor infections / ailments, defects and injuries as well as conditions and symptoms relating to other major health disorders in order to maintain normal mobility and independence.

The Team
We currently have two full-time Podiatrists (we are recruiting – please see our vacancies page)
All our Podiatrists are University and NHS trained and have many years of experience treating the local community.
They hold a local anaesthetic certificate and are qualified to deal with prescription only medicine.